lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016

Why use web 2.0 in an ELT Classroom?

The term appeared first in an online article by Downes in 2005, referring to a second phase of e-learning embedded in Web 2.0 environments. It describes a new generation of e-based learning environments that allow students to create content, collaborate with peers to form a learning network with distribution of content creation and responsibilities.   The key components to Web 2.0 are its tools that allow for collaboration and social interaction to take place and the fact that students take an active part in all aspects of their learning experience by content creation and learning management on an ongoing basis.

The relationship of Web 2.0 to language learning is considered in all its breadth, from its use to promote diverse skills (e.g., listening, speaking, reading, or writing) to its relationship with an array of cognitive and social processes (e.g., identity formation, critical literacy, information overload). Contributions to understanding Web 2.0 in higher education settings are particularly valuable, though many of the topics will be of value to those interested in K-12 education as well.

Web 2.0 is different:

  • *       Speed - Broadband connectivity and high speed wireless and mobile connections have enabled much of the changes that have occurred.
  • *       Web based software and applications - The development of more complex programming languages combined with more sophisticated web browsers have enabled users access software tools online without downloading and in many cases without paying for them.
  • *       Platform based services - Instead of providing content, many web companies now provide platforms such as YouTube, Digg, Blogger , etc.
  • *       User generated content - Users of these services create and share their own content.
  • *       Rich media content - Connection speeds have enabled the web to deliver audio, video and fast interactive games of a high quality without wait time.
  • *       Complex social interactions - Interaction through websites and web services have become much more complex and users can now share a vast array of content and information and collaborate for more rapidly and easily.
  • *       New business models - Most successful web 2.0 products and services are free for anyone to use.
  • *       Democratization - This has been described as the democratization of the web. It is no longer a broadcast medium controlled by website owners and web masters. Now anyone can contribute what they know and share it with anyone else

What does web 2.0 have to offer teachers?

 There are a number of ways these changes have enhanced the learning potential of the web. Web 2.0 enables: 
  • *       Socialization - Through socialization our students can use the language and skills they are learning to build networks and develop relationships with real people.
  • *       Collaboration - They can work together with others to construct and share real knowledge.
  • *       Creativity - They can create genuine products, in a wide range and combination of media to high standards, which will have a real audience.
  • *       Authenticity - The tasks and activities they do and the people they communicate with to do them are real and motivating.

Michael Thomas, 2009, Information Science Reference, New York, Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning.

Nik Peachey, Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers

domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Powtoon - Tutorial

PowToon is an online presentation software. It allows anyone to create animated videos that can be exported to YouTube for free

Click on this link to access Powtoon.

Click on this link to watch the tutorial on the "teach with internet" wiki.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Powtoon - Activity

Age: Adolescents/Adults


Create a 2-3 minutes video promoting good habits. 

Criteria for Evaluation

1. Your topic should be clear and the reasons valid;
2. Do not make any spelling or grammatical mistake, and
3. Show that you know how to use Powtoon by including: one video, uploaded pictures, animations, icons, audio and text. Make it in a tidy and comprehensible way.
4. Make sure that you have enough music for your video, and that there are no silent parts.  

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

Voki - Activity

Level:  3rd grade
1. Choose a famous sport man (football, tennis etc player) or singer you like most.
2. Find information about him or her (age/where he was born/nationality/why he or she is famous for/records etc./personal appearance) and complete the following chart.
  • Name:
  • Personal appearance:
  • Date of birth and age:
  • Nationality:
  • Profession:
  • Achievements:
  • Others:
Then, write in a word document some sentences such as: I am....../I am .....years old/I have got long hair.....etc. using this information. (You can send them to me for correction, if necessary).

Then go to (use the account created in class) and create a character who will talk about himself/herself using some of the relevant information you have found (use classical characters to adapt your 'voki' and make him or her look similar to the character of your choice)

Once you have  created it, send an email to your teacher with your voki's embed code.

Then the teacher will upload your 'voki' in the blog under the entry MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER.

Glogster - Activity

Web 2.0: Glogster

Level: 3rd/4th grade


Choose among all the animals we have seen througout the year.
Make a Glog showing different animals performing different actions in a setting.
Each animal must have a bubble with the action being performed. (Fly, run, swim, etc)
Share your Glog with the rest of the class.

Criteria for Evaluation
1.       Do not miss the information required.
2.       Do not make any spelling or grammatical mistake.
3.       Show that you know how to use Glogster. Include (minimum): three pictures, one video, hyperlink one picture or word to one link, 3 animations, 3 text boards

Podbean - Tutorial

Podbean is a plattform that allows users to share or broadcast audio content.

Watch the following video to learn how to use it.

sábado, 22 de octubre de 2016

Pinterest - Activity

Web 2.0: Pinterest

Level: 5th/6th grade

Create a board about things that you like. 
You may include food, sports, items of clothing, decorations for your house or anything that you find interesting.
Write a short comment to each picture and say what it is representing or why you like that thing.
Include, at least, 10 pins.

Criteria for Evaluation
Include, at least, 10 pins.
Do not make any spelling or grammatical mistake.

Include a variety of things (not just food items or sports for instance.)

Podbean - Activity

Web 2.0: Podbean

Level: 5th grade


-Before listening, students have to revise some vocabulary related to food items.

-Listen to the conversation by clicking this Link.- Then, answer the questions:
.Is it a face to face conversation?
.How many people are talking in the conversation?
.What are they talking about?

-Finally, record your own conversations and share them among the other students.
Audio script:

Jeremy: Hi Rob! Jeremy here! Okay, we have thirty guests for the party. I guess we need a lot of food!
Rob: Hi Jeremy. Don’t worry! I’m sure we don’t need a lot of food. Let me check what we have first.
J: Yes, please. Have you got any potatoes? We can make chips!
R: Yes, I have! Great!  Mmm, I haven’t got any cheese, though. Have you got any cheese at your place?
J: I think so, but I’m not sure… Have we got any juice? We don’t want our guests to be thirsty!
R: No, we haven’t. We need to buy more juice, we don’t have enough.
J: Your friend, Ann, told me she has got some sandwiches.  She wants to bring them to the party.
R: Ugh, I don’t like Ann’s sandwiches!
J: Don’t be so rude!
R: Has she got any hamburgers, too?
J:  No, she hasn’t. She said she has only got sandwiches.
R: Has she got any coke? We don’t have enough.
J: Yes, she has. I will tell her to bring sandwiches and coke, then. Do you think we need more food?
R: Don’t worry about it! We don’t need any more food! The party is going to be awesome!

Criteria for Evaluation

1.       Do not miss the information required.
2.       Do not make any spelling or grammatical mistake.
3.       Show that you know how to use Podbean.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

Voki - Tutorial

Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character.

Watch the video below to learn how to use it.

martes, 18 de octubre de 2016

About the blog

This blog was created for educational purposes as it is the 4th and final assignment for ICT in ELT at the INSPT - UTN.





Here's a link to a Wiki with more tutorials.
Why web 2.0?

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2016

Pinterest - Tutorial

Pinterest is a plattform used to share images or pins.

Watch the video below to understand how to use it.

martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

Glogster - Tutorial

It allows users to mix all kinds of media on a virtual canvas to create multimedia posters.

Watch the video below to understand how to use it.